Rappelling / Aussie Style Rappelling
Have you ever experienced this special feeling of hanging at thrilling heightsheld by
nothing but a harness and a rope? You haven't? It's about time then!
You will remember this amazing feeling for a long, long time.
Abseiling - What exactly is that? The "Kiwis" showed us how to do it. In New Zealand tourists have gotten their dose of adrenaline that way for years.
In a wonderful surrounding you will learn how to use the rappelling gear and several safety regulations.
After some easy exercises we will increase the level of difficulty until you can rappel down a scarp by yourself.
And if this wasn’t enough adreanline for you, why not try and run down a vertical rock?
Impossible? Let’s prove you wrong...

Been there - done that? Then simply walk down vertical rocks, after a nice and unhurried hike. You will experience the same amazing view all the free-climbers are crazy about. The only difference is you are perfectly safe and the only thing you need is a little bit of courage!.
Of course you can book each of the two events separately!
contact us for more information